Orthodox Liturgy Class

Nurturing Young Voices

Our church places a strong emphasis on teaching and demonstrating the fundamentals of our faith, including the Bible, Sacraments, Liturgy, and the Holy Trinity. The Holy Qurbana, a central act of worship, comprises rituals, prayers, and songs that unite us with God. Our liturgical tradition, rooted in the Antiochene heritage, uses both Malayalam and Syriac languages in our services. To fully participate in this sacred experience, understanding the significance of these prayers and hymns are crucial.

Learning Qurbana songs can be challenging, especially for children, who are the future of our faith. To equip them with this essential knowledge, MGOCSM embarked on a mission to make learning Qurbana songs an enjoyable and enriching experience. Initiated on June 8th, 2024, under the name “Praise His Name,” our online sessions have created a vibrant community where children have flourished in their understanding and love for these sacred hymns. Through interactive sessions, we have guided them through the lyrics, melody, and the profound meaning behind each song.

The joy of teaching and witnessing the children’s growth has been immensely rewarding for us too. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn have created a vibrant learning environment. Together, we are not only imparting knowledge but also fostering a deep love for our liturgical traditions. Our efforts have borne fruit, with children growing in confidence and enthusiasm. Their voices, filled with newfound understanding, add a beautiful harmony to the Qurbana. This journey is not just about music but about nurturing a generation of believers rooted in our traditions.

By investing in our children’s musical and spiritual education, we are preserving our rich
heritage. Let us continue to nurture young voices, creating a harmonious generation of
believers deeply rooted in our faith.

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Doris has graduated from St. Xavier's College with a Master's in Biotechnology. When not engrossed in laboratory work, she finds solace and enjoyment in books, music, and dance. A curious mind and a sociable spirit contribute to a dynamic and engaging personality.

Member Praise & Worship at MGOCSM a'bad unit | + posts

Daniya is interested in exploring new experiences and knowledge with music and art as primary passions. She has successfully completed her postgraduation in biotechnology from St. Xavier's College and harbours aspirations to leverage her acquired skills in future endeavours.

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