KRISTOS -Theme Session-1

Speaker: H.G. Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim

KRISTOS, the One day MGOCSM Conference started off with the inaugural session at about 10:30 am on the 2nd of October 2024. The Keynote Speaker of this Conference was none other than our beloved Global MGOCSM President, H. G. Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim, Metropolitan of Thumbamon Diocese. He is a renowned scholar and a very good Bible Teacher who heads this oldest student movement in India.

The theme of our conference, “WHO IS CHRIST TO YOU ?” set the tone for our opening session. H.G. Dr. Abraham Mar Seraphim Thirumeni started his first Session emphasising Christ as our God, Lord, and our Savior, this teaching, He said is based on the understanding through Tradition, Scriptures, and the Writings of the early Church. In this first session Thirumeni taught us in detail how Jesus Christ is the God, Lord and Savior.

Below you will find a short highlights of the details Thirumeni taught.

Jesus is God

In St. John 1:1-16, it states, “In the beginning there was Word the Word was with God… and the Word became flesh”. This passage reveals that before creation, the Word existed as God, and later, the Word became Flesh. This signifies that God, full of grace and truth, took human form and lived among us, and that’s Jesus Christ

Jesus is Lord

Further, in St. John 20:28, apostle Thomas addresses Jesus as “Lord” after Jesus invites him to touch His wounds. This passage highlights the moment when apostle Thomas, who was previously doubtful, fully recognizes Jesus’ divinity and responds by calling Him “My Lord and my God.” Through this encounter, Jesus affirms His identity, and apostle Thomas’s declaration of faith marks a pivotal moment in the narrative.

Jesus is Savior

In St. Matthew chapter 1, the term “Savior” is connected to the introduction of Jesus, referred to as the “Messiah.” This chapter opens the New Testament by tracing Jesus’ genealogy, establishing His lineage, and fulfilling the prophecies of a promised Savior. Through this, Jesus is presented as the Messiah, the one who will save His people.

A Video link of the full session is coming soon…

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I am currently pursuing MA's in English Literature from PDEU college.

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